Learn Affiliate

Affiliate Marketing: What Is It and How to make money with it.

earn money from affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the many online ways of making money. If you have an interest in making money online you might have heard of Affiliate Marketing.

Before you start, please keep a look at the words that you will come across many times with this guide.

Affiliate marketing Program: Many small and big businesses open affiliate programs to promote their products/services to many people with affiliate marketers.

Affiliate Marketer: An Affiliate Marketer is a person or company that signs with affiliate marketing programs with one or many companies to promote & sell their products or services to their audiences. In return, they earn some commissions from the company.

Affiliate Commissions: Affiliate Commissions is the monetary value decided by the company to provide as a return value to the affiliate marketer selling their item.

Let’s continue with the guide!

Affiliate Marketing is a way of making money online where affiliate marketers sign up with any company of their choice which has opened its affiliate program. After Signup marketers promote the products of the company on its platform to make sales for the company & earn some commissions.

Here affiliate marketers do not own any of the products or services. They only work as a middle man to sell some other companies products & services.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

  1. One business has some products or services they sell on their platform or offline.
  2. The Business makes its affiliate program and decides a fixed revenue share, Pay Per Click, Pay per sale anything as a commission for marketer who make conversion for them.

You As an affiliate Marketer sign up with the business to promote their product on your platforms like website, Youtube, channels etc. Discussed different platforms to promote affiliate products below.

Your application approved by the business to promote their product with your platform:

You choose the product that you want to promote and the business gives you a unique affiliate link so any purchase can be tracked by the link assigned to you.

You take the link and start promoting for different platforms where you have an engaging audience.

When anyone purchased the item from the business by the link assigned to you, you will earn the commission decided.

This is how affiliate marketing works and anyone can make money online with affiliate marketing

How You can make money with affiliate marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is a great way of making money online. These are the complete steps you can follow to start your affiliate marketing career.

  • Step 1: Search for an affiliate marketing program that suits you best. In the view of commission value, your interest, your audience if you have some already. You can read our guide to select the best affiliate marketing program.
  • Step 2: After Checking and verifying lets sign up with the affiliate program. You can always join with multiple programs for variety and maximise your revenue.
  • Step 3: Now you have to grow your audience or plan the promotions methods to promote the products or services.
  • Step 4: After Planning is done and once you are verified with the business to promote their products. Do it
  • Step 5: There are a variety of methods to promote your affiliate products online to sell. Complete guide of this discussed below.
  • Step 6: You take the unique link of the product, you start promotions. Congrats! You are now an affiliate marketer.
  • Step 7: Continuously look at the promotions and regularly grow your audience to attract maximus to the affiliate page. Now once the affiliate page will get visible and people start buying with the link provided to you you will earn commissions and the complete campaign will be successful.

Different Free & reliable Affiliate Marketing Platforms

Many affiliate marketing platforms available which do not charge any fee to sign up with them and start promotions. They Provide commissions once you start to give them sales.

Before moving with any affiliate marketing platforms, please read their commission chart and policies and contracts of joining with them.

  • CLICKBANK: CLICKBANK is an affiliate marketing platform where different products and services are available. And the commissions of the products and services are categorized differently. This is a worldwide affiliate marketing platform
  • CJ Affiliate: CJ Affiliate is one of the top and reliable affiliate marketing platforms. CJ has different types of products from different categories and different sellers. CJ also has a different commission system for different products.
  • Amazon Associate: Most Popular and one of the best affiliate program by amazon. It is available to different countries separately where Amazon works. We all shop from amazon every day and our most trusted brand to buy anything online. So, Amazon associate provides marketers to sign up with amazon and promote their products to make sales. Once you sell any item, you will earn a commission. Know the Amazon Commission how much amazon pays per sale for different items.
  • Shopify: Shopify is an Ecommerce platform where many retailers, business owners & manufactures sell their products and services. Shopify is a CMS (Content Management system) where E Commerce and D2C websites are easily made. By joining Shopify partner program once sales are made you will earn a fixed price.

eBay, Flipkart, AliExpress and many more affiliate programs available to join. See the complete list of affiliate programs with complete details and commission chart.

How To Promote The Affiliate Products?

These days selling is very easy. There are many platforms, Ads, Social Media, Blog, website where you can easily promote any products online. Not Just affiliate Products but also any type of products and services.

Here we have discussed 5 methods where you can promote your affiliate products online and also you can see {{more methods}} to promote online.

Method 1

Through Social Media Like Instagram & Facebook

Social Media is a great way to reach new people around the world. And it has the potential to grow faster within a few months.

Promoting affiliate products through social media needs the following steps

  • Step 1: Social Media Like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Facebook groups, Telegram and more has the highest potential to grow.
  • Step 2: Create accounts on the above social media that suits best with you and according to your goal.
  • Step3: Start sharing your knowledge with the people on the platform and start gaining views, subscribers, followers.
  • Step 4: Once people start to follow you and show interest in your content, you can start promoting the products and affiliate links to your subscribers.
  • Step 5: You may need to review the product on the platforms or directly tell the benefits of the product to make your followers show interest to buy them.
  • Step 6: Once they Buy, You will start to earn money online.

Method 2

Create a website and promote the products.

You are reading this guide with the website Learn With Nath. So, websites are also a top way to reach new audiences and visible affiliate products from around the world.

If you already have some audiences then you can directly promote your website url to the audiences. But if you do not have initial audiences then you need your website to boost SEO visibility on different search engines to rank your pages on search engines.

As needed you may also promote your website on different social media sites.

In method 2, you can create a website and work on its SEO to give your website more visibility to many peoples around the world for free with different search engines like Google. Also you can promote the web page through different social media like Google or Facebook, social media Ads as well.

Method 3

Promote Through YouTube Channel

Maximum young people are becoming influencers these days. YouTube and Instagram are the 2 platforms for becoming social media influencers.

YouTube is one of the best ways to promote your affiliate products to the people around the world.

Select your niche to start a YouTube channel, Grow your audiences. Once you have a listening audience, start promoting the affiliate products to your audience so they can know about the product and buy it.

We have a detailed guide about

how to start a YouTube channel

How to make money online with YouTube.

How Much Money You Can Make With Affiliate Marketing?

There are no limits of making money online with affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a big sea and the deeper you will go, the high money you will get.

Affiliate marketing success and failures depends upon 

  1. The Commission price that the company you are affiliated with is paying
  2. Your audiences and how you are promoting the products to sell.
  3. By which methods you are using to promote the products or services.


Can I really make money with affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a legitimate way to make money online. Many companies and businesses opened their affiliate program to boost their sales and give commissions to the affiliate marketers who join with them and sell their products.

How much does an Amazon affiliate pay?

Amazon is available in many countries and in every country the commission price is different. Usually Amazon pays 1%-20% as a commission for different products in different categories. We have a complete guide about how to make money with amazon affiliates.

How can you make your first $100 with affiliate marketing?

Many affiliate programs have fixed commissions for any sales like 50$-60$ . With any skill, you have to start from scratch and improve your knowledge from time to time. And earning also improves day by day. Here is a guide of mine on how you can make your first 100$ with affiliate marketing.

Can you make 10k a month with affiliate marketing?

Yes, It’s Possible and for some it’s now a daily earning. But everything has a start and you need to start from 0 only. With days your skills, knowledge and experience will be improved and your earnings with affiliate marketing also start to improve. Keep focusing and do not give up before reaching the goal.

Does Amazon affiliate pay daily?

No, Amazon Affiliate pays on a monthly basis and only if the minimum withdrawal amount requirement qualifies. Usually amazon sends an amount after 60 days prior to every month end.

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